
Serving Our Community

Jesus said we are to love others as He loved us: sincerely, powerfully, and extravagantly! That’s what our lives are about as Christians. As small groups, as a church body, and as individuals we want our lives to make a difference.

God gave every single person unique gifts, talents, and opportunities so that they could uniquely reflect God’s love to the world. Join us in making a real difference.

Find Us!

River Center Church

1105 E Sioux
Pierre, South Dakota 57501


Contact Us!

River Center Church meets each Sunday morning at 10 am.

River Center Church
1105 E. Sioux
Pierre, SD 57501

Mailing Address:
PO Box 1012
Pierre, SD 57501

Phone: (605) 224-2222
Email: rivercenterchurch@gmail.com